2nd Thematic Workshop on Vulnerability Atlas of India and Disaster Resistant Design & Construction Practices organized on June 4, 2019 at EIL Gurugram
In order to sensitize about the Vulnerability Atlas of India, BMTPC conducted Thematic Workshop on Vulnerability Atlas of India and Disaster Resistant Design & Construction Practices for engineers of Engineers India Ltd. on June 4, 2019 at Engineers India Ltd. Gurugram Campus.The programme was attended by more than 120 engineers, architects, town planners and designers
The entire day’s proceedings were divided into four lectures namely, (a) Vulnerability Atlas of India by Dr.Shailesh Kr. Agrawal, Executive Director, BMTPC, (b) Improving Earthquake Resistance of Housing by Dr. Yogendra Singh, Professor, Department of Earthquake Engineering, Indian Institute of Technology Roorkee, (c) Improving the Design of Housing/building for Wind and Cyclone by Dr. (Mrs.) S. Selvi Rajan, Former Scientist, CSIR-SERC, Madras, and (d) Improving Flood Resistance of Housing by Dr. N.K.Goel, Professor, Department of Hydrology, Indian Institute of Technology Roorkee. The programme was appreciated by every one and the participants found it of immense value.